EASY SPANISH SCHOOL OÃœ, hereinafter RESPONSIBLE, is the party responsible for the processing of the User’s personal data and informs the User that this data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the regulations in force on personal data protection, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, for which you are provided with the following processing information:

Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship with the User. The operations envisaged to carry out the processing are:
Sending commercial advertising communications by email, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enable commercial communications. These communications will be carried out by the RESPONSIBLE and related to its products and services, or those of its collaborators or suppliers with whom it has reached a promotional agreement. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data.
To carry out statistical studies.
Process orders, requests or any type of request made by the User through any of the forms of contact made available to them.
To send the website’s newsletter.

Data retention criteria: data will be retained for as long as there is a mutual interest in maintaining the purpose of the processing and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose it will be deleted with appropriate security measures to ensure the pseudonymisation of the data or the total destruction of the data.

Communication of data: Data will not be communicated to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.

Rights of the User:
Right to withdraw consent at any time.
Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of their data and to limit or oppose its processing.
Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (agpd.es) if he/she considers that the processing does not comply with the regulations in force.

Contact details for exercising your rights:
Postal address: EASY SPANISH SCHOOL OÜ, Harju maakond, Tallinn, / Lasnamäe linnaosa, Lõõtsa tn 5, 11415.
E-mail: info@easyspanishschool.com


This site collects personal data:
When registering for a free trial lesson for USERS to test how the site’s teaching system works.
During the purchase process of any of our products.
When the USER requests information using our contact form.
When making a reservation for a class in our calendar.
When subscribing to our Newsletter.
When subscribing to download free products offered by the SITE.
When commenting on the pages that allow this option.

At any of these points, Users, by ticking the corresponding boxes and entering data in the fields marked with an asterisk (*), expressly and freely and unequivocally accept that their data are necessary for the provider to deal with their request, with the inclusion of data in the remaining fields being voluntary. The User guarantees that the personal data provided to the RESPONSIBLE are truthful and is responsible for communicating any changes to them.
Under no circumstances do we collect information on USERS’ bank details and/or debit or credit cards when financial transactions are carried out outside the SITE through the PAYPAL and STRIPE platform. When transactions are made by providing the credit card within the SITE, only the last 4 numbers of the card used for the purchase are stored in order to be able to inform the user in the future of the card used to make the payment. The rest of the data is sent in encrypted form to the STRIPE platform, which is responsible for managing the payment. In any case, all communications between the site and the USER are secured by means of an SSL security certificate, so that the USER can check at any time that the page visited belongs to the SITE by verifying the URL and the “secure site” symbol placed in front of this URL, which will be of the https type.

In addition, the SITE stores various data through the use of Cookies. If you would like to know more about our Cookies Policy, please read the section dedicated to it.
The RESPONSIBLE expressly informs and guarantees users that their personal data will not be transferred under any circumstances to third parties, and that whenever any type of transfer of personal data is carried out, the express, informed and unequivocal consent of the Users will be requested beforehand. All the data requested through the website are obligatory, as they are necessary for the provision of an optimum service to the User. In the event that all the data is not provided, there is no guarantee that the information and services provided will be completely adapted to the User’s needs.


That in accordance with the provisions of the current regulations on personal data protection, the RESPONSIBLE is complying with all the provisions of the GDPR and LOPD regulations for the processing of personal data under its responsibility, and manifestly with the principles described in Article 5 of the GDPR and Article 4 of the LOPD, by which they are processed in a lawful, fair and transparent manner in relation to the data subject and are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed.

The RESPONSIBLE guarantees that it has implemented appropriate technical and organisational policies to apply the security measures established by the GDPR and the LOPD in order to protect the rights and freedoms of the Users, and has communicated the appropriate information to them so that they can exercise them.

The WEBSITE cannot assume any responsibility in the event that the site or its data storage system is attacked by hackers, which may cause misuse of your information. However, we guarantee that we will always do our best to protect our system with the technology available to us to prevent such violations.

If at any time the USER has problems accessing any part of our website, it may be due to the model or version of your browser or the configuration of your browser options. If you need us to help you find a solution or if you have any doubts regarding the operation of our purchasing system, you can send us an e-mail to info@easyspanishschool.com.