Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions related to how Easy Spanish School works. If you don’t find what you are looking for, please contact me (in English or Spanish) by writ- ing to this e-mail address: or by filling in this Contact Form and I will answer any questions you may have.

What is Easy Spanish School and what does it offer you?

Easy Spanish School is an online and remote school for teaching Spanish as a foreign language founded and directed by Sarai Montaña Zanón, which offers online courses with recurrent new materials and courses on different aspects of this language (grammar, conjugation and uses of verb tenses, vocabulary, spelling and comprehension of texts). These lessons, exclusively for Easy Spanish School OÜ students, include explanations in different audiovisual formats (videos, audios, presentations, downloadable worksheets, images, etc.) and self-assessment exercises. In addition, they can be completed with conversation classes given by Zoom. These classes are individual and are adapted to the needs and availability of each student, which allows for rapid progress in learning Spanish.

How can I join Easy Spanish School?

All you have to do is buy one of our courses and you will be part of Easy Spanish School.

What is the difference between the two types of Zoom classes?

In the conversation classes, the student talks with the teacher about the topics he/she chooses. If the student does not know which topic to choose, the teacher will help the student to choose one. In the class, mistakes are corrected and any grammatical doubts that arise are clarified, although in no case does the teacher give specific grammar lessons. They are especially recommended for people with an intermediate or advanced level of Spanish and who want to improve their oral expression.

In the classes to your liking, the student raises the doubts and what he/she wants to learn and Sarai designs specific lessons for him/her, adapting to the aspects of the language (grammatical, lexical- semantic, phonetic or pragmatic) and the subject chosen, to his/her needs and objectives, as well as to the number of hours he/she is going to contract.

What will I learn in the classes?

The basic objective of learning a new language is to be able to communicate with native speakers of the language, which is why, at Easy Spanish School, we are committed to a methodology based on the communicative approach, which teaches students to deal with real-life situations with all the necessary resources (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, most common structures, etc.).

Is it possible to take classes at any level of Spanish?

At Easy Spanish School we offer classes from the most basic to advanced level.

How do I know if this method of teaching is right for me?

Easy Spanish School offers a free sample of two lessons of the courses to new students, where you will be able to test the efficiency and advantages of the teaching system.

How can I buy lessons online?

Just go to the shop and choose the type of classes you are interested in. After making the payment, you will receive an email confirming your purchase and a second email with the instructions and codes to make the reservations. To receive the class, all you have to do is choose the day and time on the calendar.

Is it necessary to purchase a minimum number of classes?

At Easy Spanish School you can purchase single classes, 5 class vouchers and 10 class vouchers.

Do the Zoom lesson vouchers expire?

Lessons expire 6 months after the purchase is made.

Can I cancel the lesson voucher before I have used it up?

Once the voucher has been purchased, it can only be cancelled for justified reasons. In this case, Easy Spanish School will refund the amount corresponding to the classes that have not been taken. For more information, please see the Refunds section in our General Conditions of Sale.General Conditions of Sale

Can the lesson vouchers be shared by several people?

No, online vouchers are individual and non-transferable, with the only exception of companies that purchase several vouchers to be used by different employees, who can decide how many lessons each of them receives.

When can I receive my lessons via Zoom?

Easy Spanish School is open from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 1pm and from 3pm to 9pm, every week of the year. During these hours you can book the classes you want by clicking on our calendar (with a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 30 days notice). All our classes start at the time on the hour. We recommend that you check before purchasing your lesson vouchers to get an idea of availability.

Can I cancel a class booking once it has been made?

Class bookings can be cancelled up to 24 hours before the selected time without penalty. To do so, the student must send an email to indicating their name and sur- name, the day and time booked, and the booking code used. Once these details have been checked, they will receive an email confirming the cancellation of the class and will be able to use the book- ing code again to receive the class on another day. If the student does not give 24 hours notice or does not show up at the booked time, the class will be cancelled.

In exceptional cases and for justified reasons, Easy Spanish School will cancel class bookings 24 hours before the scheduled class time without any cost or penalty for the student.

Do I need to install any software on my computer for the classes?

It is not necessary to install any software because Easy Spanish School gives the classes by video-conference through the Zoom programmes which are free of charge for the student and which can be accessed from the internet without having to download any software. In addition, both platforms have applications for Android and Apple mobile devices.

What happens if a class is interrupted due to technical problems?

If a class is interrupted on several occasions or cannot be completed due to technical problems or problems attributable to Easy Spanish School, the session will be repeated at another time at no cost to the student. If these technical problems are repeated and are due to internet connection problems on the part of the student, the pending classes will be cancelled due to the impossibility of adequately providing our training, and the student will be refunded the money for the sessions not taken.

I need an invoice for my purchase, what do I have to do?

Easy Spanish School users who would like an invoice for their purchase should request one by sending an email to, or by simply ticking the purchase invoice option at checkout.

Zoom classes are subject to 20% VAT as, according to the Estonian legislation in force (to which Easy Spanish School OÜ adheres), language teaching is subject to this type of indirect tax, but the materials sold individually (grammar and vocabulary infographics and PDF editions of the books) include the VAT of the purchaser’s country of origin in the price established on the website if it is part of Europe. Countries outside Europe are exempt from VAT.